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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Adventures Of Spikey And Mister

Spikey:"Pretty Bird!"

Mister: "Pretty, Pretty Bird!"

Spikey: "Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Bird."

Mister: "Chiquita!"

Spikey: "Chiquita!"

Mister: "Pretty Chiquita!"

Don't they have a way with words?


Andrew said...


I loved this post!!! Aren't birds just wonderful? I worked in a pet shop for years.

Karma said...

They are absolutely wonderful! I love having them. Spikey is in the room with me at the moment, but Mister is off flying around. Thanks for the comment!

dreamitbeleiveitliveit said...

omg ellie! did this like REALLy happen?