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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear Life,
Stop being so unpredictable. I can't handle the pressure nor am I able to overtake every challenge you throw at me.
The week started out bearable, and even a tad bit optimistic, as if there was nothing to truly worry about. I enjoyed the ride until yesterday, Thursday. That's when everything starting going downhill. Literally, too, since the day before was Hump Day...
Anyway. Yesterday in dance, you didn't give me the chance to learn the new choreography I missed the week before. Shouldn't it be alright if I happen to make a couple of mistakes while I'm still learning?
By the way, thanks for letting my thermor spill in Mrs. Grooms' classroom. I left hungry, sad, and irritable, considering it was at least the third time that had happened.
I am grateful that you put me with complete strangers for my star test speech. *sarcasm* Great. Just great. I don't even know who to look for.

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