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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Home Sweet Home

On December 21, 2007, my family moved into our very first house. I was not able to post yesterday, so I am making up for it today. We have lived in our home for 363 days(counting today)!!! Yay!

Time really flies by, right?

This time last year, literally right down to the exact date, I was feeling sick. Once again, the common cold has come to visit me. I'm not completely sick, though. My throat hurts, and a cough escapes every once in a while. Don't worry, though! I am working on staying healthy! I absolutely must! Christmas is so soon, and I am going ice skating with friends next week!!! Who wants to be sick during winter break?

Best holidays wishes to all!

Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Crazy Kwanzaa!
And a wonderful New Year!

P.S. Eliella is my new vampy name! Special thanks to <.:OeCd:.>


Kellan said...

Oh, I'm a little bit sick too! I hope you feel better soon and have a wonderful Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Oh man that is to bad, that you are sick. I might get sick because my mom and my brother are sick too, and guess what they both breathed on me today. So that is a bummer. I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER.

Anonymous said...

OMG I need your help. I tries to this thing with the background, and it got messed up and now I can't get it to go away. I even emailed my friends saying that we might have to restart it bu with the same address. Do you know how to fix it? Cuz for sure I don't know how too.

Capri Amier Amour said...

I'm glad you like your name! I'm sorry you're sick. I was doing figure skating lessons not too long ago. Can you skate backwards???