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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year's Eve!

Well, say good bye to 2007, everybody. The thought that it is never coming back really gets to me every year. I spend the rest of the day feeling depressed, although I'm supposed to feel happy.

My Aunt is still in New York, hopefully healing.

Tonight I am all alone, just me and my sickly family. Everyone is still sick! I'm pretty much better, though. I think I'm all healed, though I had to have a shot at the doctors today. That was the least from fun. Still can't move my arm much. I remember when I had my tetanus shot, my dad hugged me so hard right on that arm! I can't remember ever feeling so much pain from a shot ever in my life, until I got that tetanus.

But I digress..

Just wishing everyone a Happy New Year and hoping for you all that the new year brings you a fresh start in life. And that fresh start...should rock!


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