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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Dorkier by the Minute.

Once again, I was being a geeky nerd-dork. Not really, but it sounded kind of cool. Anyways, I was sitting on the floor next to our coffee table. My dad has been sick lately and he was in the room. He coughed, sneezed, yawned..all that good stuff. When...all of the sudden...I sneezed.

Not just any sneeze, though! So strong, that my glasses flew straight off of my face!! It was unbelievable. I was like...woah...super sneezing strength equipped to sneeze the world away!

It was quite awkward when I looked up and saw a blurry figure called Dad is practically gagging himself to keep back snickers from watching my little "episode'. Quite interesting. Quite interesting, indeed.

Just thought I had to share that with you. comes Monday. Wish my luck with beginning the week!!!

Good luck to yours, too!



The One Who Can't Escape said...

This is hillarious! Thanks for sharing, you made my night :)
Good luck and have a great week

Best of luck

The One Who Can't Escape said...

Yo Ellie, what's up? Are you that busy?