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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

nothing new

nothing is really new in my life.
except for bad luck.
besides braces:

i lost my favorite pen after misplacing the one before that. i lost my locker key two days in a row about a week ago. i found an awesome green pen and then lost it the same day. i went to bed thursday and found a pincher bug on BREAKING DAWN(!) and then felt tickling on my arm as another bug crawled on me while i was laying in bed. that friday morning, i woke up because a bloody nose came for no apparent reason. i was aggravatingly close to seeing wicked, before having the chance snatched away from me. i have to go to two hours of a play rehearsal twice a week(that i hate) when i could be completing the never ending mountain of homework.

life has been so unfair.
this better mean that something fan-flapjack-tastic is going to happen to me sometime soon.
like winning the lottery.
or wicked tickets falling from the sky.

here is an interesting fact to top it all off:

Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.


The One Who Can't Escape said...

Sorry about the bad luck =/
Hopefully it will all get better.
Someone once said that good stuff cannot be appreciated without bad things happening first...

Capri Amier Amour said...

That bites, if it helps, my weekend sucked after getting over a weeklong cold/sinus crap. Yep, Life sucks, but sometimes to get to the good parts you have to go throught the sucky ones. A BUG ON BREAKING DAWN?!?!?! CURSE THOSE 6 LEGGED CREATURES!!!!!

Rey said...

just dropping by to say hi =]