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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Vacation: Day One

We left early this morning, leaving behind our house, our bird, and our dear Henry kitty. It will be his first time away from us for more than a day, and I can only hope that he will be alright when we get back home.

So after our traditional travel breakfast of Panera bakery, we set off for three hours of driving on highway one up to San Simeon, where we are right now. I slept for two hours, peacefully listening to my iPod. The fog obstructed our view of the ocean almost all the way up, so there went the scenic route.

About noon, we had lunchie before taking a tour of Hearst Castle. What an amazing and unforgettable experience! I can't get it out of my mind how stunning and intricate and eloquent all of the architecture there was. From every railing, window, door frame, to ceiling. Each segment of the tour outshined the previous. My personal favorite, however, was definitely Neptune's pool, which was outside. Surrounding by stone carvings and marble columns complimented by waterfalls cascading down the center. The depth of the pool slopes in such a way that it can only be seen from the view above the pool. The indoor pool cut very close to favorite with the glass and golden mosaic stones, but Neptune got it going on, I suppose you could say.

The bedrooms, and especially the dining hall showcased several various styles of art. History intoxicated every pore of the castle. Statues of Madonna over four hundred years old? Impressive condition.

Overall, I will not forget Hearst Castle and all of it's many details. At least, not for a while.

Mom and I spent the rest of the late afternoon walking along the shore of the beach, taking photos of each other. Dad stayed at the hotel room and relaxes. An arrangement that was executed flawlessly. I am still impressed by the day's smooth overall feel. No outrageous fighting or bickering or anything of the sort. Good behavior for us all today. Cheers on that part.

Tomorrow morning we will check out of DaysInn and head over to San Francisco for reals. Yo.
Golden Gate Bridge? Probably. Who knows. We'll see where the day takes us.

As for the rest of the blogosphere, I hope you are all enjoying your week and best wishes for a happy hump day tomorrow!


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