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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Don't Hurt Me

I can't even remember the last time I blogged. So many things going on. My sister and her daughters came to spend the week with us on Tuesday. They left early this morning, and i will miss them so much :(

On Wednesday, the girls went horseback riding(I stayed at home) and then we went to the beach(my first time all summer). Sand castles are oodles of fun to make!

Thursday, I took the girls(11 and 13) out walking around the neighborhood until the little one scraped her knee so we ran back home. Well, we didn't run. But we scooted our boot hastily on back. Then the whole family(mom, dad, sister, nieces) went to the zoo and explore all the animal habitats. I learned a few things there. Bees are find me attractive. Bees find me hot when I'm wearing flower jewelry. Bees find me smoking sexy when I have a strawberry/cherry snowcone in my hand.

Friday was SO MUCH FUN. Perhaps my favorite experience. And what did we do, you might ask? Indoor skydiving at citywalk!!!!!! It's called ifly, and it's in a windtunnel. Oh my gosh what an amazing time. Go google it. YouTube it. Man oh man I want to do that again! If skydiving is on my bucket list, can I check that as half way done?

Saturday was interesting. I got my first manipedi with the whole package. Hot rocks. Foot bath. Lotion massage. Some weird pummice rock on my foot. Cute pinky and fuschia gloss with snow white flowers. Lovin it!
Then we had lunch at The Tranquility Tea Room. It was adorable! With hats and dresses to try on, tea with sugar cubes, scones, mini sandwiches, Alice in Wonderland theme throughout the rooms. We put on fake British accents and started talking to a woman who we thought was playing along. Turns out she had a real accent! Hahaha funny :)

Today they left bright and early, which definitely made me sad to seem them go. They weren't ready to leave, either. We hardly ever see each other. About twenty minutes after they left, I was hit with horrible stomach aches, dizziness, intense vertigo, and I threw up four times. I'm still feeling rather loopy as i type this up. Too much looking at writing. Time to sign off! Best wishes to everyone. And I'm headed to San Francisco on Tuesday!!!

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