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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm keeping this short because typing is hard at the moment.

Here is a quick explanation of what happened:

-shove a needle up my arm(iv)
-place patches on my chest to monitor my heart and breathing
-mask on my face to make me sleeeeeepy
-fall asleep
-wake up in a different room with my mom
-can't walk, they put me in a wheelchair
-don't remember a single thing
-my jacket was on me, even though it was off the last time i looked down
-i was in hysterics with my breathing and crying

i have never felt so weak in my entire life.

i'm starving but i can't eat.
i'm dizzy, and i will be dizzy for a while
i can already feel the pain
i hate my dentist
if this doesn't work, i'll have to do it all over again
i hate my dentist

<3 roses are red <3
<3 violets are blue <3
<3 this post is from elley <3
<3 written for you <3


Unknown said...

Awww honey, hope you are feeling better soon xo

chattypatra said...

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I'm glad your mother was with you. Get well soon.

Rey said...

hei ellie, get well ya =] cheers.
