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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clickety Clack It's Tuuuuuesday

Obviously, I did something to my sidebar. You can see it without having to scroll a mile south. I'm not sure what I did or how I did it, but it's definitely a start, right?

Today I am having another relaxing day, I think. Tomorrow, I am spending the entire day with my Aunt :) We're going to see '500 Days Of Summer', a movie she nor I have heard of - we're in for a surprise, and then we'll go out to eat before heading back to her house. Fortunately, we live about two minutes away from each other.

And when I say Aunt, I mean a really close family friend who I've known basically my whole life, and I can easily consider her family. :)

I just starting reading 'The Notebook' today. Nicholas Sparks, right? I'm too lazy to check at the moment. I love the tragic romances. They always get to me. I'll let you know how I'm coming along on the book.

That's all for this morning. I shall hear from you guys soon, hopefully.

Love Love Love Love,


<3 roses are red <3
<3 violets are blue <3
<3 this post is from elley <3
<3 written for you <3

1 comment:

chattypatra said...

I hear that the movie is very good. Let me know how you like it, please.

Also, you have inspired me to start blogging every day once again, so, thank you!