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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Joe The Plumber

It isn't fun when you have to drive somewhere to use the restroom because all the toilets in your house are being naughty.

We had to have our very own Joe The Plumber come down the mess in our house. The carpet was soaked. The hallway was flooded. The house was in poor condition. And the bad times keep-a-rollin' in. But hey, we're not complaining.

Turns out, roots are yucky. They tend to want to ruin people's home peace by clogging up pipes. They just want water. How selfish. But then again, that's just nature working for you.

Anyways, toilets are happy once again, as are we, despite the mess our house is. We are trying to organize.

And, I am still happy to report that we have two delightful chirpers in their cage. :)

Love Always,


Denise said...

Hi Ellie.
Glad your potties are back in order. Have a good week.
Denise :)

Anonymous said...

How come you don't so a post everyday? I end up waiting for you to write something, and then when you do, it seems not that long.

Mrs. F said...

Ewww, bummer about the pipes.
Hoping order is restored sooner than later.

Glad your birds are doing good, too!