Okay! I have been tagged. So... here we go....
1.You must post these rules.
2.You need to list 8 random things or habits that you do or have.
3.Bloggers that get tagged must write on their own blog about their 8 things.
4.At the end of the post you must list 8 people to get tagged.
5.Leave the people comments on their blogs saying you tagged them.
My spectacular 8 random things and habits:
1. I am trying to get better at running, because at the moment, I am less than superb.
2. When I am bored, I'll find myself scratching at my head. Really hard.. It's weird... yeah.
3. I like to tap my fingers on any hard surface to the rhythm of different songs.
4. When I am trying to write a good essay, I try to envision the words dancing around and singing on the page.
5. When I pick out a book at the store, I have to feel several different copies of the same thing and hold them up to my ears to see which one "talks to me".
6. When I eat goldfish, I still make them swim in the air before I eat them.
7. I am only capable of eating Cheerios four at a time(long story)
8. At the grocery store, sometimes I'll pretend I'm a celebrity and all the items on the shelves are the paparazzi. So, I'll start posing and smiling to cans of soup.
That was certainly fun. Now, time to tag eight other chums(do people still use this word?)!!!!!
The following friendliolas are tagged:
Please enjoy this picture of a squirrel I quite a while ago...
Have a fabulous Sunday!
hi, I'm hannah a friend of Delany
I love twilight I'm so obsessed it is out of control. I have read almost all the books IT ROCKS
hi, I'm hannah a friend of Delany
I love twilight I'm so obsessed it is out of control. I have read almost all the books IT ROCKS
hi, I'm hannah a friend of Delany
I love twilight I'm so obsessed it is out of control. I have read almost all the books IT ROCKS
hi, I'm hannah a friend of Delany
I love twilight I'm so obsessed it is out of control. I have read almost all the books IT ROCKS
ummm. was it necessary to post that four times? but still, i agree.
I love twilightl,Being on the computer makes me happy it is sooooo much fun.
do you think cheese would talk only if it had a brain of course. no way I would eat talking cheese. I love cheese though it taste soooo good.
I love to write poems i'm going to type one now
The magician
the magician is very sly
yes he is a tricky guy'
with the flick of hi wrist
he's gone in the mist
and he's not very shy
thats a wierd popem
you know I really don't have anything better to do at all I have homework but I don't feel like doing it
so I won't
have I mentioned how much I
it is awesomeness
bye bye
I Rock
sorry about posting that many times my computer frze, Anywho My new word of the week is fetch.
you might want to use it cuse it's awesome
I am working on getting this done! Thanks for tagging me!
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