Death is a strange concept. Your mind just shuts off. Your body goes limp. But your soul doesn't die, right? It lives on, right? I believe that there is a message that one must learn from life. Everyone must stumble across it somehow or another. It could take years to find it. One day, you just wake up with some epiphany. Some realization about life. My theory is that everyone is reincarnated over and over again until they find that special message that brought them to life in the first place. Butterfly for fifteen days, then a blade of grass for two, and then a human for 85 years.The possibilities are endless! And only when you meet the moment that keeps you going for eternities will your destiny be decided. Maybe everyone goes to heaven. There is no fiery place down there. Perhaps everyone goes through the burning flames of agony as a challenge of their endurance and strength, and they make it to heaven only after they have proved their worth. Really, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm kind of just going on and on and on and on without a single direct thought running through my mind. I simply had to get this off my chest. What do you think happens after death? There has to be more that just dirt and dust.
Hey Ellie, I'm not too sure about this either, but from experiencing the loss of a parent a few years ago and both of my partners parents...i do know that death can bring peace, peace from suffering and pain. Seems odd, but it was almost a relief when my Dad passed, he was no longer in pain and he looked so peaceful. I also think from watching my father-in-law that sometimes death holds no fear...whether thats a longing and belief that you will be with one who has passed before you, or a belief in a higher place or something better i don't know...not much help there sorry xo
not sure, but the thought of death scares me. it deals with the whold unknown
Well, the cold fact it that we don't know what happens to us when we die, and most likely, we'll never find out. (I'm sure no one's dead and alive to tell about it.) Maybe there is a afterlife, maybe we are reincarnated, or maybe we are just recycled by our planet. Who knows? Maybe, instead of asking difficult questions that have no definite answer. We should start asking easier questions. (Or not, difficult questions are fun!) For example: Instead of questioning what happens when you die, we can ask what doesn't. It's a lot easier to ask a question that asks for the opposite direct of an idea. (My attention span has run out, so I'll just stop talking.) :3
Death is an awful subject, yet I hear it talked about all the time.I belive something happens to your soul, but I will never know until I get there.I was surpirsed when I thought this one day when I saw in the news that a lady died(said my thoughts,"she figured it out before me, lucky!)its like,everyone gets a turn, in the end, everyone finds out what happens.why do I belive something happens to our soul?When my aunt died, the last words out of her mouth were something like,"its beautiful" or "finally."and that has been my 2 cents on the matter laters!
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