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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's Eve!

Twenty-four hours from now, it will be 2009! I can hardly believe how fast the year came and left! I remember when it was just the beginning of 2008 and I kept thinking it was 2007! Ha! That happens every year, though.

Anyone have any interesting memories to share and reflect upon?

enjoy the picture above above above of a flower i took! I have always thought it looks like clay!


Amy said...

Happy New Year, Ellie!:)
That is a beautiful photo.

God Bless,

The One Who Can't Escape said...

Nice picture!

Anonymous said...

For one, are the Twighlight books in order, I am reading the first one (before I see it) and I wanted to know if the New moon was the second one in the series, if it is, that will obviously be the next one I read(I love to read). LOVE THE PIC by the way.

Capri Amier Amour said...

Yeah, I found out that my friend who is no longer my friend has been reading my blog secretly and posting as anonymous and giving me crap about the Twilight Saga. Not the best week for me.

Mrs. F said...

My New Years are generally low key. This year was no exception.

Happy New Year!