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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I am sad.

The Olympics are over with. Complete. Done. Fin.

I really enjoyed watching the spectacular events! What people can do with their bodies is incredible!

I need a new hobby!

Oh, yeah . . . school.

I watched part of the closing last night, and I must say, it was totally psychedelic!!!! I sight no one should have missed! It was truly live art.


I was quite descriptive last night! :D

It's going out on DVD!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But... now it is over with. Complete. Done. Fin. :(

Let the record show: My nation came back loud and proud with the most medals! I am so proud. ;)

Congratulations to everyone else who has participated in these amazing 2008 Beijing Olympics! It was worth a million!

On another note, thank you to everyone who has given suggestions about my third colomn predicament. I really appreciate all the help!


Amy said...

Did you find any useful tips on Kysha's blog?

I hope so!
It takes a while to learn everything about this blogging....I feel like I am still in kindergarten myself.

Have a great day, Ellie!

Rey said...

hei ellie yes the olympics is over. need not fear coz the nxt 1 is coming up around 2012 London. you'll be 4 yrs older then =D

Anonymous said...

GO Team USA!!!

I'm sad that they're there's nothing on TV to watch - guess I'll have to do something more constructive, like clean, or excersise.....Nah! I'll just blog more instead ;)

Amanda said...

I must admit it did feel sad when it all came to an end. :-((