I was thinking that maybe I would make you laugh.
or giggle.
or chuckle.
or smile.
or slightly move the ends of your lips up.
or just sit there at the computer being all bamboozled on why in the world I would think that you would think that this is entertainment.
But I like it.
How appropriate, right?
Oh dear..
Aww! Mommy's helpers!
Tee hee hee.
Now... feel free to say, "awww!!" as you take a look at these:
When was the last time you saw a licking lizard?!?
okay, okay. So you have probably seen this bunches of times and I have probably posted it several times, but I cannot get over it!!!
Howdy howdy on a Thursday afternoon.
<3> :)
i love the pic with the cat smiling. i love cats. since my siamese cat passed away i have switched to dogs. what is really sad is my 2 year old boy, andre cant tell the difference.
when he sees a cat he goes - wow wow
when he sees a horse - wow wow
when he sees anything with 4 legs, its - wow wow.
this is really omg...!!
=/ i am not laughing =[
What lovely pics... and a great start to Friday!
I'm smiling here in Crazyville...I love the one with the puppies helping to push the baby up...So sweet.:)
Great pics, Ellie. I am certainly smiling. Thank you!
Have a great weekend,
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