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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


In the beginning of the week, I was feeling like a rat in a trap. As in "my life stinks(try sucks) right now." I feel better. I just needed the week to carry on. I really still cannot wait until the weekend. I want that last bell to ring on Friday. I want to go home and stay home fore one afternoon, and two days. At least stay away from school.

I just thought I should update you on how I've been doing.

Hope everybody is doing great!



Anonymous said...

rat in a trap? interesting. Dont worry, sometimes people have to go through an, "My life stinks(try sucks) right now." period. Good luck and hang tough. !

Anonymous said...

It's the weekend :)

87291472-Sharky said...

Hi there. Thank you for your comment on my '1 minute' post! :)
and thank you for visiting. Hope you have good weekend ahead.
Take care. SharkyX