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Friday, March 28, 2008

I Hate/Love Friday

I do not know quite what to think about this particular Friday. Normally I would love them because school is over for the week and I get a couple days to get my head back on straight. I get two days of relaxation without having to think about completing homework, or getting to bed on time, or waking up early in the morning. The thing is, I have been doing that all week due to spring break. Now, I have nothing to say about Friday because nothing is being celebrated. No end of school. At least it IS a Friday, so I love it. But then, it is a sign that school starts only next Monday. So..I also hate it.

Ellie XD


Anonymous said...

i love fridays no matter what.

The One Who Can't Escape said...

Imagine what you'll have to think about during summer break :)