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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Well, as I predicted, Mum had to pick up take-out after her work ended. Once we all finished dinner, we drove down to a supplies store and bought a stove! Cool, huh? The one we already had was much older than I am now!
Our new one is flat on the top, and no longer has any of those spill-bowl thingies, or those spiral thingies that turn red when they are heated up. It is stone black and looks excellent.
The only bad part about it is that it was a open item, so it was marked down on the price. Of course, there was nothing wrong with it, it was just a returned product. So then, we had to have delivery come and store it for us until Tuesday, because that is the next time that they are available. Until then, we should be good sorting things out.

Also, we finally got some POURING last night, so we can get some water down here.

Happy Saturday!


The One Who Can't Escape said...

Hey what's up? Why aren't you updating?

JSM said...

heyyyyyy ellllliiiieeeeeeeeeeee =]]

i knowwww...

immmm nevrrrr on

^ ^