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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Life Is Beautiful

It doesn't seem like it has been so long since I have posted, but apparently so. I just can't seem to find the time in between coughs. I think that I have recovered, though. I just have to take care of my Mum and Dad now. What a shame... is beautiful. Admit, you know that it is. Something extremely sad has happened to someone really close: My Aunt.

Two people(dear to her, you know) have passed away all in this dreadful month of December. Her Aunt left suddenly after a few months following a surgery that was reported "fine". She merely didn't see it coming. She flew to New York in hopes of being with her parents and attending the funeral. She called this morning while we were driving in the car(reached by Mum's cell phone), and tells us that her Mother passed away. She certainly saw this one coming, but it still hurts you. Now she is flying back to New York early tomorrow for some catching up and what she needs to do. Please have her in your thoughts because she really needs love at the moment.

Have a Happy Last-Saturday-of-the-year!

1 comment:

The One Who Can't Escape said...

Hey Ellie,
How are you? (I hope it's all good)

Life is beautiful even though people die? Really? It's good something thinks that way...

Hmmm I'm ok, spending winter vaccation in San Jose :D

I hope next year will be good (and hopefully better than this)

Take care and have a wonderful weekend.