Okay, so. We are back on the house hunt. We have seen multiple ads in the newspaper for things we would like to check out. We are already going over to see one later in the evening. Yay! Please please please be a good house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please....
On a completely different note.....
Today is Rachel's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday bestest friend!!!!
Okay, moving on, once again.
Have you heard of the Delany sisters? I just read the book "Having our Say" and it was tremendously great! I would recommend it to anyone mature enough to read it(I do not mean this offensively). They are two out of ten African children telling their story about the good life until segregation, feeling left out , fighting for their rights, and "living forever". Hope you check them out sometime.
In the spirit of recommending books... I don't know how old you are, but I think you'd be able to handle the most amazing book in the whole entire world. It's called The Shadow of The Wind and it's written by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Best book ever. It has some scenes that aren't for 13 year-old people, but I'm pretty sure you're older than that...
I will check for that book at my library tomorrow. I am driving down to see about volunteering and that will be the perfect opportunity. I hope you are well in sunny southern California. I miss it when you don't write. Write and let us know you are okay.
Your friend,
Jonathon Andrew
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