I'm finally back on!! Yes! I have finally reached Internet access. Here was my weekend: Spending all night with a bunch of my friends in a big center thingy for Friday. Went to a party on Saturday, had a friend over that night, and I'm going to another friend's play later this day. I had an awesome weekend.
By the way....what is wrong with saying oh my? And "What in the world"?. Seriously JJ, why do you seem so upset every time I say that? It bugs me.....
Is it wrong to say this?
Thanks a bunch Tal, it really helped me a lot. I needed edit/delete a couple.
Hey Ellie,
Thanks for your comment on my Blog. I'll keep stopping by. To answer your question, yes I write. I have a novella, "Marsupial Man." That's why I started my Blog, to promote my book. I have links to it on my Blog.
Take care,
So now you know Paul. He has a huge talent and he's just an amazing person. He's the best, really.
And you're welcome. It's nothing. I'm always glad to help, so if you need anything else just stop by and write.
Hey Ellie,
Thank you for commenting on my latest piece. It came out of nowhere, as most of them do.
I'm glad you hooked up with Tal. This whole Blog thing, for this old bald man, has taken on an unexpected importance.
Take care,
In case Tal hasn't already,
She knows a fair amount about my who, what, and why about me. You can do all that through secret marsupail e-mail.
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