I am really good at painting my nails. I get detailed. Booyah.
I am capable of peeling(ha, the first time i typed this, i forgot the 'l'. HA! whoops) an orange without breaking off the skin at any point.
I can shake my eyes. My friends, HG and AJ, can also do this. :)
I have neat handwriting. I have a bad day sometimes, but the majority of the time, my writing is nice. nice nice nice.
I can put in my own earrings. I know a lot of people can do this, too, but some find it challenging to find the piercing up in the lobage(this a word?)
I can touch my eye without my contacts in and not feel squeamish.
I can come up with an interpretive dance at any given moment. Yeah. I really can.
The point of this post was so that I could focus more on things I am particularly good at, compared to things I'm not. Many spend too much time dwelling on the sour pickles of life. Shake it up a bit. Have a cucumber. Woah, that's my new official favorite quote.
Love Always,