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Cheers to karma for making life a little bit more entertaining.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Okay, I promise you that today is Hump Day. The REAL Hump Day. I've finally come to my senses. I'm not crazy............................................................................................................ dot.

I get to see my bestest buddy tomorrow!!! YAYAYAYYAY! So excited! And some other important heart breaking stuff will occur tomorrow. WOOT WOOT BRING IT ON.

This very interesting thing happened today. Say her name is Jenna. We were applauding for people who were receiving their little graduation certificates, but it was only a practice. The principal was reading names off, so we would perfectly understand the system. The people before Jenna got cheers and claps and woohoos, and then when Jenna's name was called, it was dead silent. I thought it was a pretty obvious contrast, too. Normally I would feel sorry for someone in her position, but Jenna is a major crocodile in training, and quite frankly, not worth it. I just found it comical how it was so totally CRICKET CRICKET for a moment.

Embaressing moment of the day: I went to have lunch with my dad. we walked up to the store. several people from my school saw me and said hi. and laughed. we went inside. i swear, ninety five percent of the people in there were from my class. there was a maximum of five(no joke, it was subway, pretty small in there) people not from my class. and of course, these are the "populars" might i say. the people i'm against in life. and yeah, it was just majorly awkward and mortifying and perhaps you would get it more if you were there. but, this is my time to vent and i'm gonna take it.

i'll talk to ya kitties tomorrow. meow.


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